YNAB Budget Coaching

Couldn’t you benefit from some peace of mind around your money?

Imagine how it would feel to eliminate financial stress and:

  • Confidently (and permanently) get out of debt
  • Get off the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle
  • Align your spending with your priorities
  • Make financial emergencies a thing of the past
  • Feel in control of your money

The budgeting software You Need A Budget (YNAB) can do that for you. With its terrific software and powerful Four Rules, YNAB can help you create a sustainable budget that gives you the flexibility and freedom to live your life to its fullest.

The only problem with YNAB is that the learning curve can be a little steep. It teaches you a different way to think about budgeting. Getting over that learning curve is absolutely worth the effort. As a YNAB Certified Budgeting Coach, I would love to flatten the learning curve for you and provide expertise, support and accountability so you can be up and running with YNAB and on your way to financial peace of mind as quickly as possible.

I was very hesitant about YNAB because I had tried it maybe seven years ago, and it just didn’t go well for me. Working with Janine made all the difference! With her guidance I had a much better understanding of how I should set my budget up and check in with it on a regular basis. She has made me a YNAB convert! I love knowing where my money is going and that I have money set aside for True Expenses – those real but not regular expenses that we all know are coming. She’s also right there if I get lost or have any questions. I have much more peace in my financial life thanks to Janine’s help.

— Dee

YNAB changed my life. I’d love to help you with YNAB so it can change yours.

Click on the Services tab to see how I can help you.

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Janine Adams, YNAB-certified budgeting coach, smiling with glasses in a dark v-neck.

About Janine

Janine Adams is a Certified Professional Organizer® and a YNAB Certified Budgeting Coach. She loves helping clients find happiness through organization, whether it’s their stuff or their money they’re organizing. Check out the About Janine page to learn about her YNAB story!